How Jax Forrest (HS) Teched Nathan Tomasello (NCAA Champ)
So Jax Forrest, a high school sophomore, just teched Nathan Thomasello, an NCAA champion and seasoned veteran of the freestyle scene in a little over a minute. Yikes
About 30 seconds in, Thomasello goes for a random lefty single, though it looks more like a high crotch in motion, you know, it’s a normal penetration step, which is weird. It’s more of a fake I guess, but he follows that right up for an underhook, immediately after doing that Jax ducks under for a beautiful fireman’s carry. Feet to back, that’s 4 points. There’s not much you can do about that honestly, other than having a downblock ready with your right arm as you grab your underhook so you can catch a shot if it happens. Otherwise, the downblock to a fireman’s carry is just so elegant when it works. 4-0 Forrest.
Jax goes for a similar fireman’s carry about 45 seconds in, but this time Thomasello was able to react in time, as you’d likely expect. Fool me once, fool me twice kind of thing. Thomasello doesn’t jump on the front headlock and secure it though, he kind of just lets it go, which i dont recommend. A front headlock is so strong, you need to use it when you have the opportunity. Jax keeps a piece of that elbow that he just had, goes collar tie with his left arm, looks away and pulls the arm through for a sweet slide by. This slide by works so well when someone is pressuring into you. You can also do it after you downblock, say you have the right elbow, they shoot a righty high crotch, you downblock with your left and then pull the elbow through. It’s so slick. Jax gets behind, locks the near leg, and falls to the right to secure his takedown.
2 minutes left in the first, Jax reaches with his right arm and so Thomasello dives under it for a nice lefty single. This is one reason lefty singles work really well by the way, righty’s like to reach with their right hand, so if you get comfortable with the lefty single you can do very well as a wrestler. Jax pulls the situation to the right and forces Thomasello into a righty high crotch slash crack down. Notice how he slingshots the shoulders with his hands, it’s pretty clear he has done this before, it was done with a lot of intention. Thomasello starts coming up, which would be a great idea, if you can get height and face your opponent it’s always better for you, but Jax adjusts his hips back a bit, stabilizes, then gets the crotch lock he wanted earlier. He keeps his right foot under Thomasello’s legs, which stops Thomasello from facing Jax, steps his left foot around the leg, sits and throws tomasello for an impressive 4 points, feet to back, securing the 10-0 tech fall. Yikes.
This is just absurd. Every situation Jax got into he was able to find the best move to use immediately. That’s kind of obvious i guess, but it’s really difficult to do a match review on someone who gets something correct at every step. This match was honestly textbook for Jax. I don’t have anything else to say. That was sick.