Let's say you're starting from referee's position on the left side. You chop at the left arm and pull the hips in tight with your tight-waist. Your left knee will also chop at your opponent's left knee, slightly above it, which allows your left knee to dig its way inside. You'll pass the arm that you chopped into your tight waist arm and grab the wrist, giving you a two-on-one of sorts. This isn't the normal two-on-one from years past, where you literally have two hands gripping up their wrist. You'll just have a wrist with your right, pulled to his hips, while you have the outside of the elbow with your left hand.
You'll hold onto the outside of the elbow, dig your knee up as you fall to your left side. You want to get yourself perpendicular, so you may have to shift your head away from your opponent, as you keep your left knee up and left foot posted on the mat. You'll use your right leg to elevate your opponent's left leg, pinching your knees to create some control of the hips. The entire time you do this, keep the two-on-one pulled to your chest to restrict any amount of separation between your hips and theirs, as well as restricting movement.
This move is more meant to be a quick tilt that sets up the following moves, it's not always meant to land completely and give you a tilt, but if it does we'll gladly accept more points.