Throughout Red Hawk's existence we have had the distinct pleasure of training many great athletes, who have transformed not only into champions, but overall great human beings. To be raised next to hard workers instills character that you simply cannot get anywhere else. It provides an instinct, a drive to succeed in every other aspect of life. How else can you better prepare your son or daughter for what lies ahead, the real world?

Below is a list of individuals that have passed through our wrestling room and trained with us for a few years. They're the ones who have done above and beyond, and have become more than just the average wrestler.

We're not claiming that Red Hawk is the only place these guys have been to. Any aspiring wrestler needs a wide range of teachings to find their niche and be successful. Large or small, we're happy to be a piece of the puzzle.

If we missed you or these details are inaccurate please contact us.